Due to many requests the deadlines have been extended.

16–18 Sept 2024
Warsaw University of Life Sciences - SGGW
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Programme & Venue


The Programme will be available as soon as it is settled. At present the Conference is in the state of being organised.


The Conference will be held at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW, Falulty of Applied Informatics and Mathematics – WZIM, building 34, Aula IV, 3rd floor. The map can be seen here.

Remote participation

Remote participation is planned for those who will be totally unable to be present at the conference in person. In such cases MS Teams will be used. It will be sufficient to have a web-based application at the remote participant's side, however we recommend to install the free MS Teams program. For remote participation, we shall issue an e-mail invitation containing the link with which you will be able to make your presentation and to participate from your location.


Each presentation will last 20 minutes, including discussion. For the presentations, we shall provide a computer with Windows 10, MS PowerPoint and Adobe Reader. If you need other software, please let us know beforehand. An overhead projector with aspect ratio 16:9 and with decent resolution will be used. We discourage using your own computer for the presentations; rather, please prepare the contents so that it can be copied to our computer.